Membership Application online Our application process is a 3-step process. See the bottom of page 3 for details. This three-page form is step 1. Please Begin by filling out this form: (The fields indicated by a "*" are mandatory) *Name of Applicant Date of Birth Name of co-Applicant Date of Birth *Address: Street and Unit *Address: City, Province, Postcode *Your email Home Tel Number Mobile Tel Number Before you start, please read these important Ambleview requirements. 1. Ambleview Place is a Seniors Equity Co-operative for those that are 60+ years old. At least one person in the couple must be 60+ years old. 2. Members are expected to make Ambleview their principal residence (i.e.: not just as a weekend, summer, or Winter visiting city home) 3. To become a member, you must make a payment in full (deposit & principal) for the Membership Shares that are related to the suite that you will occupy. Payment must be as a bank draft or certified cheque 4. You will own shares (equity) in the Co-op related to the suite, but you will not actually own the suite. As such, banks will not finance a loan or mortgage for the purchase of the shares. 5. For Ambleview to run efficiently and sustainably, members are expected to actively participate in the running of Ambleview to the best of their ability. This could include being on the Board of Directors and/or on one or more of Ambleview’s various committees. 6. Maintenance fees are derived from our yearly budget and are collected monthly. 7. Members must procure and provide yearly confirmation of suite content insurance, as well as car insurance, if you have a car. 8. Ambleview has a “No Pets” and “No Smoking Policy” 9. During a visitor’s stay, the suite’s member/s must always be in residence. *Applicant suite preference/s Please indicate the type(s) of suite you would prefer. The buy-in share price for our suites currently ranges from $261,000 to $435,000, depending on the size and amenities of the suite. Monthly maintenance Fees range from $295 to $550 per month. You may indicate more than one preference if needed. Type A (1 Bedroom) 615 sq.ft.,Type B (1 Bedroom + Den) 746 sq.ft.,Type C (1 Bedroom + Den) 815 sq.ft.,Type D (2 Bedroom) 875 sq.ft.,Type E (2 Bedroom) 974 sq.ft. Applicant References Please provide the names and telephone numbers of two references: *Name *Phone *Name *Phone Applicant/s information. Please feel free to attach your own additional separate pages, if needed. For couples, please answer questions 1-5 separately. 1. *Please tell us about your career, interests, and previous volunteer/community activities 2. *What sort of West Vancouver community activity (if any) have you been involved in? 3. *Have you ever lived, or worked in West Vancouver? 4. *What skills, knowledge and/or experience can you offer to Ambleview community? 5. *What is it about Ambleview cooperative that interests you? 6. *How did you hear about Ambleview Place? 7. *How long have you lived at your current address? 8. *Do you presently own the property in which you currently live? 9. *If so, would you have to sell before buying into the co-op? 10. *If so, would you be able to apply for bridge financing if necessary? By signing below, you confirm that all the previous information is understood, and the responses are accurate. *Applicant signature - Name *Date coApplicant signature - Name Date 3 Step Application Process: Ambleview has a three-step application process which is as follows; 1. Applicant submits their application (all information provided will remain confidential). 2. Those applicants who are most likely to be the best candidates for the needs of the co-op and its committees are then invited to an interview with the Membership Committee and are given a tour of Ambleview. 3. Selected candidate(s) are interviewed by the Board of Directors and a final decision is made. Once completed, please email this application by pressing the [Submit] button below. Thank you for your interest in Ambleview Place Cooperative, you will hear from us shortly. Please note! New members are not selected on a “first come, first served” basis. The Membership Committee considers recommending those who are most likely to be the best candidate(s) for the needs of the co-op and committees at the present time. Your application will be kept on file for one year. Applicants, if they are still interested, can re-apply after one year. The Ambleview Membership Committee. Δ